here are my ideas on how to stop your dog’s barking in the yard.
It’s so frustrating!
You let your pet dog out and he will not stop barking at God knows what … neighbor dogs, passing traffic … the wind?
There’s no easy fix to this problem, but last week we focused on stopping a dog’s indoor barking when the pet dog is home alone.
Today we’ll focus on outdoor barking when the pet dog is in the yard by himself or with you.
The following are some ideas you can try to stop your dog’s barking in the yard. just realize it takes time.
As always, please share your questions or ideas in the comments.
How to stop your dog’s barking in the yard
1. first step – identify “triggers”
What’s causing the barking?
Your dog’s “triggers” could be ANYTHING from squirrels to neighbor dogs to runners to even just being outside without a leash! Like, “Woo! Hoo! complimentary for all!”
Some triggers are not visual but could be things the pet dog hears or smells from a distance such as raccoons, machinery down the road, distant truck traffic, ice breaking on the lake, snowmobilers, etc.
Your dog’s triggers could also be things that have passed through your yard previously such as the scent left behind from cats, deer or coyotes the night before.
Also, lots of dogs have multiple triggers and some just bark out of routine or because they’re bored or have been bored in the past.
To them, being outside equals “Bark! 짖다! 짖다! because it’s fun and it’s what I’ve done in the past and I’m a creature of habit.”
Your pet dog could be barking because of:
Fear of the activate (Think concern of fireworks, snowmobiles, other dogs, unfamiliar people)
Alerting you to the activate (“potential threat”)
Trying to scare the activate away or announce “I’m here!”
Boredom, because barking is fun or something to do (other problems might be digging or chewing)
Here’s a short video I made going over the ideas provided in this post:
2. find a way to block your pet dog from the triggers
This probably indicates minimizing your dog’s freedom (for now) by taking her out on a leash.
For the time being, you just have to get control of the barking. That indicates avoiding your dog’s triggers or managing her around the triggers if they’re unavoidable.
For example, if your dog’s activate is seeing people walk by on the road, you’d have to let her out at quieter times or take her out on a leash.
By using a leash for now, you’re removing your dog’s option of barking so you can begin teaching her a better response.
3. start your training …
너는 필요할거야:
A long lead (15 feet or more)
Highly valued treats
Once you know your dog’s triggers, work with him on a long lead around mild distractions. A treat pouch is also helpful.
With a long leash, you can give him a little a lot more freedom while still being able to catch him and get his attention as needed.
The basic steps:
– Let him wander around on the long lead around a mild activate (if that’s possible). So, if his activate is people walking by on the road, choose a time when there might be one or two people vs. dozens.
– Before he has a chance to bark, calmly but firmly tell him “no” or “hey” and step on the leash. put yourself between the activate and your pet dog and step forward (gently bumping into your dog) so your pet dog has to take a step back. He’ll be less alert and a lot more focused on you. tell him to sit or lie down and reward him with the food.
– Hold the food right up to his nose to get his attention if you have to. Reward him for being quiet and checking out you. keep a foot on the cause stop bolting.
– You can even add a “watch me” command if you’d like. Or “quiet.”
– If he ignores you and takes off barking like a maniac, just stay calm, step on the leash and then calmly walk over and get between him and the trigger. This works better than trying to pull him towards you.
‘But my pet dog doesn’t care about treats when he’s in that state’
1. find highly valued food (Wellness Well Bites, real chicken, pieces of hamburger)
2. You’re challenging him too much. minimize the intensity of your distractions.
Remember, all of this takes time!
I’m talking two or three 5- to 10-minute sessions each day for a month. only then will some dogs be ready for off-leash challenges. You’re creating a new habit. That takes time and patience.
Don’t have that kind of time?
Well, a lot of of us don’t!
But, you either make the time or stop complaining about your dog’s barking!
Other i마당에서 개가 짖는 것을 막는 방법에 대한 deas
1. 매일 일반적인 순종 훈련에 대한 작업.
심한 짖는 문제가있는 대부분의 개는 숙박, 다운 또는 오는 것과 같은 기본에 반응하지 않습니다. 그가 정상적인 상황에서 당신의 말을 듣지 않는다면, 왜 황홀하고 무언가를 짖을 때 왜 당신의 말을 듣게 될까요?
2. 운동.
아니요, 이것은 강아지의 문제를 스스로 해결하지 못할 것입니다. 그러나 그것은 도움이됩니다. 이번 주에 매일 그를 걸었습니까? 애완견 배낭이 필요합니까? 정오 애완 동물 개 워커가 필요합니까? 그는 일주일에 한 번 애완 동물 개 데이 케어가 필요합니까?
3. 전문 트레이너를 고용하지 않는 이유는 무엇입니까?
문제로 인해 좌절감이 발생하면 참을 수 없습니다. 도움을 받으십시오. 그것은 가치.
4. 애완견에게 퍼즐 장난감을 가져다주십시오. 퍼즐 장난감은 그에게 껍질이 아닌 다른 일을 줄 것입니다! 당신은 또한 마당에 간식을 숨기는 것과 같은 게임을 만들 수 있습니다.
‘하지만 내 애완견은 내가 마당에 없을 때만 짖습니다.’
이것은 그의 자유를 최소화하는 것으로 돌아온다 (지금은). 집에 없거나 마당에있을 수 없을 때 실내에서 그를 유지하는 것이 좋습니다. 그런 다음 위에 제공된대로 그와 함께 일하십시오.
또한 자신에게 물어보십시오. 집에 없을 때 또는 마당에 있지 않을 때만 짖는 것입니까? 아니면 당신이 마당에 있었다면 짖을 것입니다. 그러나 거의 당신이 거의 없습니까?
껍질 안티 칼라는 어떻습니까?
예, 해당 경로에 익숙한 경우 반 자르기 “충격”칼라는 문제의 한 가지 옵션이 될 수 있습니다. 나는 개의 요구가 충족되고 있다고 가정하는 반 자라 칼라를 추천하는 것을 망설이지 않습니다-많은 운동, 훈련 및 상호 작용.
때로는 법적 이유 나 자신의 정신 때문에 개가 짖는 것을 막아야합니다. 종종 세상의 모든 긍정적 인 강화와 인내만으로는 충분하지 않습니다. 그렇습니다. 필요한 경우 반드름 방지 “충격”칼라를 사용하십시오.
좋아, 그래서 내 팁입니다. 아래의 일부 관련 기사에 연결하겠습니다. 의견에 귀하의 아이디어를 알려주세요.
애완견에 짖는 문제가 있습니까? 무엇이 도움이 될까요?
관련 게시물:
강아지의 짖는 소리를 멈추십시오
사람들이 방문 할 때 애완견을 진정 시키십시오
집에서 개가 짖는 것을 막으십시오
개가 걷는 것을 멈추십시오
*이 게시물은 제휴사 링크로 구성됩니다
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